Business Tip: It’s not about you

Business Tip: It’s not about you

How many networking events have you gone to where you were stuck in a
conversation with someone who couldn’t stop talking about themselves? They go
on and on about how awesome their product or service is. The amazing solutions
they provide. Why you should be doing business with them. And all you can think
is, “Get me out of here.”

Our role in our customer’s journey is not the hero, but the Guide.

What Obi-Wan Kenobi was to Luke Skywalker, you should be to your customer.
The Guide that solves their problem and helps them win the day.

When you know it’s all about them, and not you, your customers or clients
become riveted to your every word, including your marketing copy. Because you
are helping them solve their problem, not telling them how wonderful you are.

Be the Guide, not the hero, of your customer’s journey and you will win more
customers. Guaranteed.