BioShield Healthy Living Paints
Beauty without the Beast

Situation:  For BioShield, a manufacturer of non-toxic, zero VOC paints and floor coverings, we knew that people buy paint first to beautify their home, office or living space. The fact that their paints are non-toxic was what we call “a tipping point in their direction”, a competitive advantage. The dilemma, however, was that most consumers do not know the toxic load in everyday paints and home décor products. We knew that education was key to BioShield’s success.

Our Approach: We redesigned and re-messaged the entire BioShield consumer catalog and built in scientific, educational “Did you know?” phrases and elements that educated customers on indoor air pollution and the ingredients found in most paint cans.

Here’s an example of what we sprinkled in:

DID YOU KNOW a baby crawling on conventional carpet inhales the equivalent of four cigarettes a day? (Source: Scientific American Magazine)

DID YOU KNOW that EPA studies reveal that indoor air pollution is two to five times worse than outdoor air pollution even if you live in a heavily industrialized city? (Source: Environmental Protection Agency)

The ad campaign we built around these facts led to our branding line, “Beauty without the Beast”. Our line assured them that they could beautify their home or office without sacrificing their health, and the health of their family, employees or the planet at large.

Impact: Relevancy is the name of the game. Our “Beauty without the Beast” campaign increased their catalog sales by 62%.