PNM Earth Day 50 Campaign
PNM Earth Day 50 Campaign
April 22, 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day when back in 1970, over 20 million people took to the streets to raise environmental awareness. To build on Power New Mexico’s 2019 Earth Day announcement where they announced their commitment to be 100% emissions-free by 2040, Mind Over Markets created and helped launch the “PNM Earth Day 50 for 50” digitial campaign.This 50-day countdown, shared on social media and through a dedicated website, featured simple, daily sustainability tips for their customers and employees to easily incorporate into their lives and workplace – all written and designed through the lens of COVID-19.
For instance, our sustainability tip “buy in bulk” changed to “buy in bulk wisely” and not engage in hoarding. Some tips we had to rewrite all together such as “bring your own reusable cup to your favorite café”.
Every sustainability tip and story needed to be rethought through due to the pandemic, which makes PNM’s slogan, “Together for New Mexico” more meaningful than ever.
The campaign culminated with CEO, Pat Vincent-Collawn, signing an Earth Day 50 Pledge that highlighted eight environmental and social commitments by PNM to help build a sustainable future for all New Mexicans.
PNM also invited their customers to make their very own Earth Day 50 Pledge by downloading a pledge sheet and committing to practice one sustainability tip (PNM’s or their own) for an entire year. Since earth-friendly practices are so much more fun doing with others, PNM encouraged their customers to “share earth love” with friends and family on social media. You can view our “Earth Day 50 for 50” sustainability tips here.
Concept and Content: Mind Over Markets
Graphics: 3 Advertising